Apartment rentals have been a booming industry for the past few years as more Americans are leasing their homes instead of buying. Rental rates hit a 10-year high in 2013; vacancies have been on the decline; new apartment units are being constructed across the country; and rent in many markets has been rising consistently the past few years.
What does all that mean? It’s a good opportunity for newspapers to target rental advertising.
This new section geared toward apartment dwellers, Rental Guide 2014, is all about shopping for and living in a leased home. From the many benefits of leasing — such as luxurious amenities at high-end apartments and specialized communities for seniors — to considerations like pets, insurance and roommates, this section covers it all.
The media is available in InDesign pages, ready-to-print PDFs, text and photos so you can re-arrange it for your market. It includes seven pages of content, plus tab and broadsheet covers.